Use of Census Data in the Indian Housing Block Grant Program (IHBG); Notice of Reopening of Public Comment PeriodOrlando J. Cabrera
Reports on the one million dollar grant from the Farmers Home Administration for the Lac Courte Oreilles Tribe in Wisconsin. Goals of the program; Support for the tribes' farm produ...
It highlights the transaction for Indian Railway Finance Co. which attracted investors who have no prior investments in an Indian deal as well as cites companies that are set to issue a private placement. Accor...
Safe Healthy Children seeks to improve the immunization completion and coverage levels inAmerican Indian children in the Great Plains Area. The project uses a multifaceted approach that seeks to effect change from three different angles. 1. Mobilize the rural Ameri...
The study was conducted to: i) assess attitudes of the farmers towards hybrid rice; ii) develop an item-wise analysis of attitudes towards hybrid rice; iii) explore the relationships between selected farmers 'characteristics and their attitudes towards hybrid rice. The study was conducted in five...
The church's Commission on Religion and Race awarded the $10,000 grant to the Illinois Chapter of the National Coalition on Racism in Sports and Media to rally against the use of Chief Illiniwek, a proud tradit...