Multidimensional poverty indexRegional disparityPopulation sub-groupsIndiaThe primary objective of this study is to investigate the regional disparities of multidimensional poverty (MPI) in the context of India. This study to our knowledge is the first of its kind which examined MPI disparity at a ...
Firstly, multidimensional poverty of urban poor household in Guwahati city is related to their: (a) migration status; (b) work status; (c) social Status; and (d) literacy status. Secondly, multidimensional poverty of urban poor households in Guwahati city is not related to their income status...
Changes in any of these factors can lead to very different results. In addition there is the issue of choice of method to be used in estimating the index. The paper tries to identify chronic poverty at the district level by using multidimensional indicators that reflect persistent deprivation, ...
variables to be included in the index, the range to be used for scaling and weights to be allocated to the different variables. Decisions in this regard tend to be arbitrary and driven by availability of data. Changes in any of these factors can lead to very different results. In addition...
Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) The method is an adaptation of Alkire and Foster (2011) which can deal with the binary or categorical data and was introduced by Alkire and Santos (2010) and UNDP (2010) A person is identified as poor using a counting approach in two ...
To show the differences in the indices, we calculate the spearman rank order correlation between the reduced_AWEAI and the WEAI_India. The original threshold of 20% implies that women who have inadequate decision-making or access to resources in 20% or less of sub-indicators would be ...
Rosenbaum bounds (Rosenbaum, 2002) use the Wilcoxon signed-rank test to test whether the difference in treated and control groups remains statistically significant even if the treatment is not purely random. Empirical studies have employed Rosenbaum bounds to account for bias arising due to ...
In addition there is the issue of choice of method to be used in estimating the index. The paper tries to identify chronic poverty at the district level by using multidimensional indicators that reflect persistent deprivation, such as illiteracy, infant mortality, low levels of agricultural ...
To this end the aim of this paper is to analyse the trends in multidimensional poverty at the all-India level, across geographic locations, castes and religious groups. We have used Alkire–Foster methodology to measure multidimensional poverty index (MPI) and utilized National Family Health Survey...
In Purulia district, the incidence, depth, severity and intensity of income poverty are the highest among the households belonging to tribal community, followed by SCs, OBCs and then general castes. The ranks of the social castes in respect of multidimensional poverty are exactly equivalent as ...