int.david'scubicle-compactcable-day davidretrieveshishome-makecup-a-soup.weseethiscubicle clearlyhasthedavidtouch;ecologyposters,plants,tonsof computersandelectronicgizmos. marty please,tellmeyou'regetting something. martyenters,lookingoverdavid'sshoulderasheeats. david there'sgoodnewsandbadnews. marty w...
logo. Since 1974, RITES has been shaping the nation's transport infrastructurelandscapeby following a three-pronged approach: Innovation, Execution and Transformation. Embracing this year?s ?Nation First, Always First? theme, ?Team RITES? was exhorted to commit itself to India@10...
July 4, 1996—Independence Dayfilm.We’re celebrating Independence Day tonight. Now not that one, but the film of that name which premiered twenty-eight years ago this coming weekend, but I thought it should be written up on this day. (Indeed, sites think it premiered today with more th...