不正确的语法,说明你的SQL写的有问题,注意空格及逗号(中文格式)等 检查SQL语句
错误:MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 2017-10-16 10:35 − SQL Error: 1064, SQLState: 42000错误原因是关键字冲突 tips1:可能是关键字冲突了; tips2:可能是SQL语句写错了; MySQL 关键字一览: ADD ALL ALTER ANAL... 码农小正 0 78540 SQL Server 2000一个郁闷的地方 ...
我检查过,那里是有空格的 你看下动态生成的SQL 语句就知道,那里空格是有的
请问这段SQL哪个地..string sql = "update 员工信息 set "+ comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString() + " = '" +textBox7.Text+" ' where 姓名= '"+textBox6.Text+"'";
你的sql2有问题(字段数据类型,你自已注意一下。如果有数值型的,就要用'小分号) : 改成以下的试试: sql2 = "insert into Person ( name,sex,place,level,specialty,work,department,busi"; sql3 = " values('" + textBox1.Text.ToString()
sql语句错误 请仔细检查,有可能是全角符号引起的。
from dbo.ocm_map_PositionRelation pp left join dbo.[fun_GetAsIsPEPropertyExtent](getdate()) ps on pp.PositionId = ps.PositionID 解决方法: You need CROSS or OUTER APPLY You need to be on SQL Server 2005+ Andmostimportant, thedatabase compatibilityneeds to be 90 or higher...
'Incorrect syntax near' error while executing dynamic sql 'INSERT EXEC' within a function did not work 'Sort' in exuction plan is showing more than 90 % cost, what to do? 'TRY_CONVERT' is not a recognized built-in function name 'VARCHAR' is not a recognized built-in function name. ...
AMDP error -SQLSCRIPT: sql syntax error: incorrect syntax near "/" ajay_mukundan2 Explorer 2019 Sep 18 9:54 AM 0 Kudos 5,704 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Gurus, Consider the customer name space is '/XYZ/'. We have created custom table - /XYZ/DB_0019. While ...