Croatian Design
In today’s day and age of one click purchases and immediately accessible information, instant gratification (满足) is seen as the norm. The always — on world, with smartphones and Wi-Fi, reinforces that you have to get what you want right away. But instant gratification isn’t always ...
Today i wanted to watch a horror movie so logged onto hulu and found this movie, I turned on the movie expecting a much different timeline of events, hell i was thinking it was going to be like children under the stairs. But it is no where near that this movie (in my opinion) plays...
create function [dbo].[AgeAtDate]( @DOB datetime, @PassedDate datetime ) returns int with SCHEMABINDING as begin declare @iMonthDayDob int declare @iMonthDayPassedDate int select @iMonthDayDob = CAST(datepart (mm,@DOB) * 100 + datepart (dd,@DOB) AS int) select @iMonthDay...
Older data that was retrospectively collected in some studies might not accurately depict DM’s health effects on children and adolescents today. Furthermore, many confounding factors that moderate the relationship between ST viewing and the health of children and adolescents were not considered in all...
decade, women’s representation has increased at every level of corporate management (Exhibit 1). Most notably, women today make up 29 percent of C-suite positions, compared with just 17 percent in 2015. But progress has been much slower earlier in the pipeline, at the entry and manager ...
Today marks the ninth anniversary of This Week in Aurebesh! Each milestone my little project reaches leaves me pleasantly surprised and thankful for all the visitors I have received over the years. I started this blog as a bit of a lark, but it’s taken on a life of its own, and I’...
Since the first description of a coronavirus-related pneumonia outbreak in December 2019, the virus SARS-CoV-2 that causes the infection/disease (COVID-19) has evolved into a pandemic, and as of today, >100 million people globally in over 210 countries have been confirmed to have been infect...
fresh off of a breakup and bedrest for pneumonia, mononucleosis and a resulting liver infection, retreated to his father's cabin in Wisconsin. On the secluded, 80-acre plot in the woods, he single-handedly wrote, recorded and produced an album that is today regarded as indie canon:For Emma...
It's so easy to forget things you have.If we don't use them every day,some things can be put away and stay there.Technology grows so quickly,and new things keep coming out.In the age of new information,we can have so many things easily.Today is all about rememb...