Known as "ajisai" in Japanese, the hydrangea is a flower synonymous with the June rainy season in Japan. Over the years, it has been cultivated to come in many colors, delighting people from all over. If you get the opportunity to visit Tokyo in the summertime, be sure to check out ou...
摘要: Ways of Fostering Next-Generation Leaders in Science and Technology : A Comparison of the Science research Contests and Supporting Frameworks for High School Student Research Between Japan and the United States 尾嶋 好美 , 町田 龍一郎 , 佐藤 忍 科学教育研究 37(4), 295-306, 2013...
The Yogalehrbuch is said to have been established in Central Asia and to have a similar terminology to the Sarvāstivāda. However, the exact background of the relation is yet unknown. This paper discusses two points. First, I examine the structure of ānāpānasmṛti and how the meditative...