The methylniobocene carbonyl (C 5 H 5 ) 2 Nb(CH 3 )(CO) shows an unexpected lack of reactivity with respect to ligand migration. Whereas (C 5 H 5 ) 2 V(CH 3 ) has been reported to react with CO to yield the acetyl derivative (C 5 H 5 ) 2 V(OC-CH 3 )(CO) immediately...
Tammann GBoehme WJournal of Practical Medical Techniques
doi:10.1002/lipi.19570590107No abstract is available for this article.Kaufmann, H. P.John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology
Inge EischeidDorothee PutfarkenJutta SandkühlerUlrich MierwaldWerner HärdtleNatur und Landschaft
A tradeoff exists between increasing knowledge about internal forces on one side (e.g. by isometric testing) and increasing realism of the test setting on the other side (e.g. free dynamic tests). The usefulness of strength measurement devices for the estimation of forces that act on a ...
Umfassende Übersicht zur Organometall-Katalyse in Wasser: Aqueous-Phase Organometallic Catalyis — Concepts and Applications. Hrsg. von B. Cornils und W. A. Herrmann. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 1998. 306 S., geb., 398- DM. ISBN 3—527—29478—3...
The bridge superstructure, including the concrete slab, was completely prefabricated and transported to the site in one piece on a low-boarding truck. It took a mobile crane only a few hours to heave the bridge onto its supports.doi:10.1002/stab.200590171Christoph Ackermann Dipl.-IngStahlbau...
Die Extrusion von hochmolekularen PA 12-Formmassen zu Rohren und die Spritzgussverarbeitung, beispielsweise zu Verbindungselementen, sind auf Standardmaschinen f眉r die PE-Verarbeitung problemlos möglich.Werner WeßingJörg LohmarChristian BaronAndreas Dowe3r International...
The compound shows weak antiferromagnetic coupling interactions between the Cu II centres within the chain.doi:10.1002/(SICI)1099-0682(199812)1998:12<2079::AID-EJIC2079>3.0.COGrubitsch HHerzog GTomašic SWILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbHEuropean Journal of Inorganic Chemistry...
doi:10.1002/lipi.19900920905Dr. J. C. UhlProf. Dr. K. EichnerWILEY‐VCH VerlagLipid