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It provides examples of expressions commonly used in game VFX, which can be experienced in order of difficulty, each with a theme for the techniques learned. I recommend it to those who need to quickly transition to Niagara from other engines, as well as to Niagara users who are new to ...
Obviously, I'm Alyxandria (she/her) and you can @ me if you want. I am a candy fiend, which is why I wanted to know what your favorite candy is! Currently, I'm in love with Almond M&Ms almost as much as I am in love with the Bing Knowledge cards. Witam Teraz przetłuma...
This paper explores the formulaicity of EU translations into Polish across four institutional genres (legislation, judgments, reports, websites) with reference to the corresponding EU English corpora in order to understand how the degree of formulaicity is affected by the variable of genre. Formulaic...
Please pay attention in order to carry out the task properly. The specialist explained that the procedure he wanted to carry out had been very successful in Europe. Doctors will carry out more tests to find out what the problem is. I would have found another way to carry out my plan. Wh...
In 1834 in Prussian sector of partitioned Poland, they had to respect the order that banned the import of Polish writings from other sectors and from abroad without permission of the chief council of censorship in Berlin. Regulations dated from 1840 lifted censorship on publications of more than...
Vorderobermeier, Gisella M. 2012. Sociological Approaches to Translation. InThe Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, Sorby, Stella 2010. Translating western musicals into Chinese: Adapting to the reception.Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance3:2►pp. 185 ff. ...
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