Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 53, 224-256.Franz, Carol E., and Kathleen M. White. "Individuation and Attachment in Personality Development: Extending Erikson's Theory." Journal of Personality 53, no. 2 (June 1985): 224-56....
Barrault, S., & Varescon, I. (2013). Impulsive sensation seeking and gambling practice among a sample of online poker players: Comparison between non pathological, problem and pathological gamblers. Personality and Individual Differences, 55(5), 502–507.
We don't want to act like adults. Anybody who can stay in a state of adolescence will be much better off later on. Look at people who are working nine-to-five jobs out of college, and look at professional skateboarders or guys in punk bands. See who's having more fun. —Tom DeLong...
but not with ideology. But also, personality may explain why two politicians would use entirely different tone in response to the same event. In sum, personality remains relevant, but rather as a way to theorize more complex individual-specific relationship with the polarity and arousal of tone....
We develop our own voice and style when we write every day or at least as often as possible. We subconsciously incorporate our speech patterns, values, and fears into our work, and those elements of our personality form the voice that is ours and no one else’s. ...
Your child is growing every day! Learn the developmental tasks involved in the social and emotional development of children with this helpful overview of Erikson's stages of development.
Franz, C E , & White, K M (1985) Individuation and attachment in personality development Extending Enkson s theory Joumal of Personality, 53, 224-256Franz, C. E., & White, K. (1985). Individuation and attachment in personality development: Extending Erikson's theory. In A. Stewart & ...
Psychoanalytic Theory, Therapy, and the Self: A Basic Guide to the Human Personality in Freud, Erikson, Klein, Sullivan, Fairbairn, Hartmann, Jacobson, and Winnicott - 1971, Page 175 by Harry Guntrip. Read Psychoanalytic Theory, Therapy, and the Self: A Basic Guide to the Human Personality ...
Clinical psychology Evaluating the Effect of Interpersonal Responding on Emotional Sensitivity and Reactivity in Borderline Personality Disorder UNIVERSITY OF NEVADARENO Alan E. Fruzzetti EriksonKaren MMajor theoretical models of the development and maintenance of borderline personality disorder (BPD) contend ...
2021), however, have revealed different trajectories of sexual satisfaction existing in marriages of middle-aged people: declining, stable, and increasing over time. Erikson (1982) has pointed out that adults should achieve a sense of intimacy and create close emotional bonds. Then, in middle ...