UTC'den zaman damgasına dönüştürür. İsteğe bağlı olarak saat dilimini 'GMT', 'PST', 'UTC', 'America/Cayman' biçiminde geçirebilirsiniz. Varsayılan olarak geçerli saat dilimini kullanır. Kullanılabilir biçimler için Java sınıfına Simpl...
Pyrlik M, Borchard W, Rehage G, Uerpmann EP (1974) Untersuchungen über den Gelierungsvorgang in Lösungen von stereoregulären Polymethylmethacrylaten. Angew Makromol Chem 36:133–144Pyrlik, M. (1974) Angew. Makromol. Chem. 36: pp. 133...
入住办理自15:00起, 退房时间至10:00止。您可以在预订时备注提早入住或延迟退房,具体安排视入住时的空房情况而定。住客在规定时间以外办理入住或退房需额外付费。 前台全天 24 小时开放。 Landsitz Riekenshof in Horumersiel在公寓附近设停车场,供自驾前往的客人使用。 客人可免费停车。
doi:10.1159/000021205M.BoschmannM.RosenbaumR.L.LeibelK.R.SegalS. Karger AGForschende Komplementrmedizin
Diese Arbeit untersucht den Trend zum zunehmenden Einsatz von Getriebeölen mit weiter Viskositätsspanne. Sie beschreibt außerdem die Leistungsfähigkeit und bewertet, wie ein Maximum an Vorteilen f眉r den Endverbraucher erreicht werden kann.Simon M. N. Real...
where 𝑘k is a constant and 𝑠s is the length of each of the shorter time series; 1≤𝑠≤𝑁,𝑁1≤s≤N,N being the entire length of the time series. 𝑅R is the range of the time series and 𝑆S is the standard deviation. The range of each size is calculated as [82...
Recently, the interest in using nucleic acids for therapeutic applications has been increasing. DNA molecules can be manipulated to express a gene of interest for gene therapy applications or vaccine development. Plasmid DNA can be developed to treat dif
Wolf, Max Rauner, Prof. Dr. Helmut Wenzl, Prof. Dr. J眉rgen Audretsch, Prof. Dr. Klaus Goeke, Prof. Dr. Armin Bunde, Prof. Dr. Paul R枚sch, Prof. Dr. Stephan W. Koch, Dipl.-Phys. Filip Floegel, Dr. Sascha Wallentowitz - 1999 - 81-87 - OnlineLibrary.wiley.com...
Levene, P. ARockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New YorkJacobs, W. ARockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New YorkWILEY‐VCH VerlagBerichte Der Deutschen Chemischen GesellschaftLevene, P. A., and Jacobs, W. A. (1909) Uber die pentose in den nuclein- saure. Ber. Deut. Chem....