The first step is to check your credit score. In case you want to buy the condo through financing, you need to know how much you can afford. With a good credit score, you can be able to buy the condo of your choice. The Avenir Price for condos is affordable to most of the people...
2nd ed. Fast Track Impact; 2018. Google Scholar Funnell Sue C, Rogers Patricia J. Purposeful Program Theory: Effective Use of Theories of Change and Logic Models; 2011. Google Scholar May CR, Mair F, Finch T, MacFarlane A, Dowrick C, Treweek S, et al. Development of a theory of...
Over the past decade it has become clear that many other seemingly robust findings are also highly questionable. For example, I showed that many claims in Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman’s book “Thinking: Fast and Slow” are based on shaky foundations (Schimmack, 2020). An entire book on u...
We then applied a hierarchical clustering with average linkage on the all-versus-all MASH distances of the genomes not assigned to any existing SGB, using the ‘fastcluster’ python package version 1.1.25. The resulting dendrogram was divided with cutoffs at 5%, 15% and 30% genetic distance ...
Conventional learning can be appealing if it incorporates appropriate technological elements. Nevertheless, most teaching aids are unsuitable for students
Patients aged 18–50 with serum vitamin D < 20 ng/ml, unilateral ACL injury, > 90% deficit in total quadriceps muscle volume on the involved leg compared with uninvolved leg, Tegner score 7 + , and no previous knee injury/surgery will be recruited. To assess patient ...
(Bandura,1997; Fast et al.,2010; Schunk & Pajares,2002; Usher & Pajares,2009) which, according to Bandura (1997), would be mainly four. The first factor is current and past experiences of success and failure within a specific discipline (Li et al.,2021). The second aspect is ...
13, improved algorithms based on R-CNN have emerged successively, such as Fast R-CNN14, Faster R-CNN15, Mask R-CNN16, etc. These algorithms divide the targets detection process into two stages. Firstly, they determine the targets region and extract the feature information of candidate region...
” When at the end of the night a server’s credit card tips exceed their cash sales, the restaurant will give the servers cash or a check. In some restaurants this money will accumulate until the next paycheck. In this restaurant, several servers were owed back tips for weeks and even ...
The study was approved by the Ethics Review Committee of The First Affiliated Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University (Reference number 2022 Research No. 205-Fast). Written informed consent was obtained from all patients who meet the inclusion criteria and were willing to participate befor...