Importance of health education for delivery women of Rh negative blood typedoi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6493.2016.24.034CHINAPREGNANT womenNURSING researchPATIENT educationPRENATAL careRH factorDESCRIPTIVE statisticsEDUCATIONWang MingfangChinese Nursing Research...
mainly the achievement of optimal AMD, but males continued to present higher values in physical fitness tests (p< 0.001) and lower values in fat accumulation (p< 0.001), regardless of weight status or AMD. Thus, physical activity seems to be the most determining factor that compensates for ...
Table 4. Regression results of outdoor activities and demographics during the lockdown period. Table 5. Regression coefficient of outdoor activities and demographics during the lockdown period. Person characteristics ranged from age 18 upwards with a gender difference of 76.6% women to 23.4% men...
Women gain social influence through their roles as mothers, transmitters of culture, and parents for the next generation. —Patricia Hill Collins 18 The essential thing about mothers is that one needs to know that they are there, particularly at that age when, paradoxically, one is trying so h...
We also add social-based theories, where we highlight the importance of parental role and mediation in children’s relationship with screen-based media. By evaluating research findings published since 2010, we address several questions: 1) How do different aspects and types of screen-based media ...
Women have a higher risk of experiencing poor mental wellbeing. The higher the age, the better the mental wellbeing. People with a university education and people that have children living at home have a lower risk of experiencing low mental wellbeing. People with a Nordic nationality have a...
Five young men and 10 young women in the age range of 17 to 19 years old were interviewed. Seven of the participants were enrolled in at natural science programs, six were pursuing social science programs, and two were taking programs with an aesthetic (art, music) orientation. Among the ...
Most of the people who answered were women (53.45%), between the ages of 26 and 54 (45.9%), had a high level of education, and were not in need of financial assistance. The respondents who were between the ages of 18 and 30 constitute the most significant proportion of the city’s ...
OR = 1 means that the chance of considering ESi to be important (ESi = 1) is the same in the group of women as in the group of men; OR > 1 means that in the first group (women), the recognition of ESi as being important is significantly higher than in the second group (men)....