The most important impact of the women's suffrage movement was the ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920. This gave women in the United States... Learn more about this topic: Women's Suffrage | Definition, Leaders & the 19th Amendment ...
2011. The Impact of Womens Suffrage Female Voters and the Election of 1920. Annual Meetin of American Political Science Association, September 1-4, 2011.Corder, J. K. and C. Wolbrecht. 2011. The Impact of Women's Suffrage Fe- male Voters and the Election of 1920. Annual Meeting of ...
H. 2015. Municipal Housekeeping: The Impact of Women's Suffrage on Public Education (No. w20864). National Bureau of Economic Research.Carruthers, C.K. and Wanamaker, M.H. (2015) `Municipal Housekeeping: The Impact of Women's Suffrage on Public Education', Journal of Human Resources 50.4:...
BLACKBURN, MAGGIENew Zealand Journal of History
Cameroonian women's organizations took advantage of these openings, mobilizing for universal adult suffrage. Examining the impact of women's voting rights, the chapter focuses on the strategies employed by parties to attract female voters, variation in women's and men's participation rates, and ...
doi:10.1086/708955Mona Morgan-CollinsUniversity of Chicago Press
Shenhav (2015): "Women's Enfranchisement and Children's Education: the Long-Run Impact of the U.S. Suffrage Movement," Discussion paper, UC Davis.Kose, Esra, Elira Kuka, and Na'ama Shenav. 2015. "Women's Enfranchisement and Children's Education: the Long-Run Impact of the U.S. ...