I wrapped up this year’s workshop schedule at the beginning of this month and am now enjoying a much anticipated Holiday breather before my schedule ramps up again in January. This isn’t exactly a vacation, because the end of the year is when all my permit reporting and next year’s ...
Cassini-Huygens, U.S.-European mission to Saturn that consisted of the Cassini orbiter and the Huygens lander.
The green chlorophyll vegetation index (GCVI) values consistently produced the highest correlations with corn yield, accounting for 72% of the observed spatial variation in corn yield. More reliable quantitative yield estimation could be made using a multi-linear stepwise regression (MSR) method with...
of 1980. On the other hand, NHK’s version contains a narrative to prove Japan is the last stop on the Silk Road. Moreover, before this documentary, Japanese literature had long sought the “unknown” of the Silk Road and became a strong intellectual foundation forThe Silk Road. The ...
刚刚看到了怀疑“阿波罗登月造假”的“爱国大v”引用了一张照片(下图),充满了怀疑与轻浮。 1、宇航员出舱,“轻松又潇洒”。 2、返回舱外面清晰,且还有国旗,并没有经过太空燃烧的痕迹。 我逐个检索“阿波罗登月”的返回舱 -- 也就是从太空返回登陆地球的返回舱,所有的返回舱没有“光鲜的白色”,都被蚀刻的七...