解决的方法是:把图片先以jpg格式保存,这样能够去掉alpha通道,然后再保存为png格式的。这样就能够上传成功了。 可是如今, 我发现直接用Xcode屏幕截图, 上传这种截图相同会提示这个:Images can’t contain alpha channels or transparencies. ..坑。
当你试图通过《预览》“导出”时 (比如把jpg图片通过《预览》“导出”为png, 或者将png图片“导出”为png图片), 到出的图片默认是包含透明度的 (images contain alpha channels or transparencies) 本文永久地址为http://www.cnblogs.com/ChenYilong/p/3977542.html,转载请注明出处。 默认是不让选, 自动设置成有...
Create a basic container registry. The registry name must be unique within Azure, and contain 5-50 alphanumeric characters. Replace<myContainerRegistry>in the following command with a unique value. Bash az acr create --resource-group az204-acr-rg \ --name <myC...
Changing property 'galleryImageVersion.properties.storageProfile.<diskImage>.source.id' is not allowed The source ID of a gallery image version can't be changed after creation Ensure that the source ID is the same as the existing source ID, change the version number of the image version, or...
We use essential cookies to make sure the site can function. We also use optional cookies for advertising, personalisation of content, usage analysis, and social media. By accepting optional cookies, you consent to the processing of your personal data - including transfers to third parties. Some...
当你试图通过《预览》进行“导出”操作时 (比如把jpg图片通过《预览》“导出”为png, 或者将png图片“导出”为png图片)时, 导出的图片默认包含透明度,这就会导致以下错误, (images contain alpha channels or transparencies) 下面是解决方案 打开包含透明度的图片—>导出—>取消Alpa—>保存完工—>图片取消了透明度 ...
Though many precautions, such as Dropout- [52], Batch Normalization- [53] etc., can be considered to avoid overfitting and to get the desired performance from the DL models, we found that there is room for improvement. Hence, to build an efficient COVID-19 prediction model, we used the...