This proposed research paper focuses on the candidate key to generate a frequent pattern from the large dataset. The functional dependency and candidate key rolling are major activities for creating...Show More Download (PDF):Article Add to Your Personal Library:Article ...
Using a public dataset of real-world social networks, the experiments demonstrated the possibility of reaching high accuracy levels with no more than two hidden layers. Keywords: spammer detection; recommender systems; back propagation; multi-layer perceptron; MLP.DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10044172 ...
加入组件clientdataset,选择remoteserver属性为socketconnection,选择providename为服务器程序的datasetprovide,设置active属性为true。这样,客户端就已经可以连接到应用服务器上了。可以在窗体加入组件datasource和dbgrid,选择datasource的dataset属性为data module的clientdataset,选择dbgrid的datasource为这里的datasource组件,就可以...
本项目是一个任务驱动对话数据集合辑,汇集了包含 Dialog bAbI、Stanford Dialog、灵犀数据、DSTC-2、CamRest676 和 DSTC4 等多个经典任务驱动对话系统的研究数据集。 数据集列表 项目链接:
The mass spectral discriminant analysis with dimensionality reduction using principal component analysis (PCALDA) has shown better classification result compared to LDA. Sensitivity and specificity parameters are used to evaluate the analysis. The result of PCALDA of first dataset is 0.9750 and 0.9867 ...
对于第二种策略,我们并不满足于原始的IJB-A数据,因为我们通过分析原始IJB-A数据发现,由于数据本身的面部多姿态性,面部姿态(比如偏向角)的分布是极不均衡的,尤其在大角度视角下具有长尾效应,如果直接使用IJB-A数据进行网络微调,势必最终的算法性能会是有偏的(受占主要正面或接近正面视角数据的影响),受苹果在CVPR 20...
The IJB-B dataset is a template-based face dataset that contains 1845 subjects with 11,754 images, 55,025 frames and 7,011 videos where a template consists of a varying number of still images and video frames from different sources. These images and vide
The study used monthly dataset for the period from 1 March 2006 to 31 March 2011 for selected Information Technology Industry by considering market capitalization as the bench mark indicator. The methodology developed as...
VGGFace2: A dataset for recognising faces across pose and age 2017 24 AIM 93.5% Look Across Elapse: Disentangled Representation Learning and Photorealistic Cross-Age Face Synthesis for Age-Invariant Face Recognition 2018 25 MN-vc 92.70% Multicolumn Networks for Face Recognition ...