rules><outboundRules><rulename="Add the STS header in HTTPS responses"><matchserverVariable="RESPONSE_Strict_Transport_Security"pattern=".*"/><conditions><addinput="{HTTPS}"pattern="on"/></conditions><actiontype="Rewrite"value="max-age=31536000"/></rule></outboundRules></rewrite></system...
Creating Rewrite Rules for the URL Rewrite Module | Microsoft Learn <rewrite> <rules> <rule name="Fail bad requests"> <match url=".*"/> <conditions> <add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="localhost" negate="true" /> </conditions> <action type="AbortRequest" /> </rule> <rule name="Re...
重写的规定:首先约定,子类中的方法称为重写的方法,父类中的方法称为被重写的方法 1.子类中重写的...
The following example shows a URL rewrite rule that you can use for this scenario: XMLCopy <rewrite><rules><rulename="Enforce canonical hostname"stopProcessing="true"><matchurl="(.*)"/><conditions><addinput="{HTTP_HOST}"negate="true"pattern="^www\.mysite\.com$"/></conditions><action...
Action –The action is used to specify what to do if the URL string matches the rule pattern and all the rule conditions are met. Rewrite Rules Scope Rewrite rules can be defined in two different collections: <globalRules> –Rules in this collection can be defined only on the server level...
<rewrite> <rules> <rulename="Imported Rule 1"stopProcessing="true"> <matchurl="^(.*)$"ignoreCase="true"/> <conditionslogicalGrouping="MatchAll"> <addinput="{URL}"negate="true"pattern="^/myapp/stylesheets/"ignoreCase="true"/> …
-- This section defines configuration for the URL Rewrite module --><rewrite><rules><!-- This section adds a new rule for our HTTPS REdirect --><rulename="HTTPS Redirect"stopProcessing="true"><!-- Match all URLS... --><matchurl="(.*)"/><conditions><!-- ... but only if they...
Microsoft.Web.Management.Iis.Rewrite Assembly: Microsoft.Web.Management.Rewrite.Client.dll Enumeration of template category rules. C# publicstaticreadonlyMicrosoft.Web.Management.Iis.Rewrite.RewriteTemplateCategory InboundAndOutboundRules; Field Value
</conditions> <action type="Rewrite" url="{C:1}://{R:1}" logRewrittenUrl="true" /> <serverVariables> <set name="HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" value="true" /> </serverVariables> </rule> outbound rule
When performing a search, you can use any number of conditions on any of the object's properties, including using numeric ranges and simple wildcard string matching. Appcmd also supports linked operations like those found in Windows PowerShell™, allowing multiple operations on a related set of...