for you’re everything to me 因为你就是我的一切 And I’ll do what you ask me 我愿为你做一切 If you let me be free 只要你让我感觉自由自在 If you want me 如果你想要和我在一起 satisfy me 就请让我快乐 If you want me 如果你想要和我在一起 satisfy me 就请让我快乐 If you want me...
Want me D Satisfy Gm Me [Verse] Gm Do you really think Cm That you'd believe me D When others say I D7 Lie Gm I wonder if you ever could Cm Ever despise me D Though you know I really D7 Try Gm To be the better one Cm To satisfy you D Because your everything D7 to me ...
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Ifyou Cm Wantme Dm Satisfy Gm Me GmIfyou Cm Wantme Dm Satisfy Gm MeGm Doyoureallythink Cm Thatyou'dbelieveme D WhenotherssayI D7 Lie Gm Iwonderifyouevercould Cm Everdespiseme D ThoughyouknowIreally D7 TryGm Tobethebetterone Cm Tosatisfyyou D Becauseyoureverything D7 tomeGm AndI'll...
【吉他谱】<If You Want Me>- (电影《ONCE》原声) chords飞啦不休 2014-09-27 21:01:36 赞 转发 回应 转发 赞 收藏 TAB归去来兮2018-12-01 21:53:50 emm……网址打不开了,网易博客倒了不休〒_〒 飞啦不休作者(喜欢率真的人,爱听...
1、百度文库好好学习,天天向上插曲if you want me吉他谱GmAr you really hr?CmAr am I dreaming?DI can11 t11 dreams fromD7truth for its ben soGmLong sine工 haveCmSeen YouDI can hardly remember yourD7Face anymoreGmWhen I getCmReally lonelyDAnd th distance causes ourD7SilenceGmAnd I thinkCm...
If you want me...Never have to question why B E A Drift on by... Tab for little xylophone thing part at beginning: e|---12---19---17---| B|---| G|---
插曲ifyouwantme吉他谱 Gm Areyoureallyhere? Cm AreamIdreaming? D Ican'ttelldreamsfrom D7 truthforitsbeenso Gm LongsinceIhave Cm SeenYou D Icanhardlyrememberyour D7 Faceanymore Gm WhenIget Cm Reallylonely ...
插曲if you want me 吉他谱 Gm Are you really here? Cm Are am I dreaming? D I cant tell dreams from D7 truth for its been so Gm Long since I have Cm Seen You D I can hardly remember your D7 Face anymore Gm When I get Cm Really lonely D And the distance causes our D7 Silence...
1、插曲if you want me 吉他谱GmAre you really here?CmAre am I dreaming?DI cant tell dreams fromD7truth for its been soGmLong since I haveCmSeen YouDI can hardly remember yourD7Face anymoreGmWhen I getCmReally lonelyDAnd the distance causes ourD7SilenceGmAnd I thinkCmOf you smilingDWi...