If you owe money and are stressed out, just remember that the outcome that you're imagining is probably worse than the reality. Still, it's always helpful to know what lies ahead. What happens if you don’t pay debt? Here’s what you can expect: Your debt will go to a collecti...
Scammers use threats to get you to act quickly. They may even contact you again separately, claiming to be from the IRS or local police to “verify” the debt. If you agree to pay, they’ll ask for payments via untraceable methods such as gift cards. Fraudsters don’t want you to ...
There are certain approaches debt collectors can take, and some they can't, when trying to collect on a debt.
If you've received a string of calls from debt collectors -- eventhough you don't owe money --...Press, Detroit Free
If you do not recognize the debt, verify that it is real and belongs to you. You may still owe a debt and simply not recognize it. However, scammers may make up debts, claiming you owe money when you don’t. Legitimate collectors are obligated to provide detailed information about the ...
Laws vary by state and depend on the type of debt that’s charged off. Be aware that some collectors may still attempt to collect by phone and mail, even if they don’t have the option of suing in court. What to do if you have a charge-off ...
When is a debtor still legally required to pay or not pay his debt if the creditor dies? Should my friend contact a collection agency for her charged-off credit card debt? Debt Collection: I owe Quest Diagnostics $66 in a state that I don't live ...
Customers Don’t Pay There are many reasons why customers might miss a payment, and it is the responsibility of the business owner to professionally handle those situations.— Getty Images/Cecilie_Arcurs As a small business owner, you’ll likely encounter clients who don’t pay on time or, ...
If Conn’s gets a judgment against you, it cannot garnish your wages. However, it may be able to garnish your bank accounts or seize your property.What Happens if Conn’s Sues You?Depending on your situation, you may have various legal options to resolve the Conn Appliances lawsuit against...
While creditors lend money and are owed that money, a debt collector does not lend money. A creditor is the original lender because they made the loan to you. Debt collectors purchase delinquent loans from the original creditor, such as a bank, usually at a discount, and aim to then colle...