Chris Young has a message for other artists that he takes to heart, too: "People can tell if you're being fake." Young is the latest guest on Taste of Country Nights, On Demand, and he was eager to spill a lot of details about his upcoming album, Young Love & Saturday Nights, whi...
25/4 Youtube Music Night STAY HOME AND PARENT #WITHME# ... 疫情中久違了的歡樂笑聲... 真的好久沒試過這樣笑到喊了! @古巨基LeoKu @森美 亂世奶爸湊B記... - 如何幫亞B換尿片,分享清潔屁股的方法 (古太換...
【演藝人協會 X YouTube】@古巨基LeoKu 開直播爆囝囝海豚音最強 五官以外最似自己一樣特徵 2020/04/25 晴報即時新聞 演藝人協會古天樂與YouTube發起的「Stay Home #With Me#」馬拉松直播活動今日舉行,由下午1點...