If...Then...Else 语句 (Visual Basic) Learn 发现 产品文档 开发语言 主题 登录 此主题的部分內容可能由机器或 AI 翻译。 消除警报 Visual Basic 指南 Visual Basic 策略 Visual Basic 的新增功能 编译器中的重大更改 开始使用 开发应用程序 编程概念
If x >5 Then '这里你要理解因为x=100,所以对于 x >5的判断结果为True Print "Ok"End If 这个代码结果,输出"Ok"。以上代码就是:“如果x大于5,就输出OK”例2:x = 100 If Not x < 5 Then '这里因为x=100,所以对于 x <>5的判断结果为False,而Not False又为True Print "Ok"End ...
若x=10,则执行语句if x Then x=1 Else x=-1后,x的值是1。x=10时,X为真,所以Else没有执行,执行的是Then后面的x=1。在VB语言中,做逻辑运算时数字0表示假,其他数字表示真。
Although the second one is more verbose it matches natural language a bit better: if x is not zero then... compared to the first one, if x then... It also makes the intent clear to the reader and future maintainer. It will also possibly assist in future maintenance if the type of x...
if (x > 10) if (y > 20) Console.Write("Statement_1"); else Console.Write("Statement_2"); In this example,Statement_2will be displayed if the condition(y > 20)evaluates tofalse. However, if you want to associateStatement_2with the condition(x >10), use braces: ...
用法:IFS([Something is True1, Value if True1,Something is True2,Value if True2,Something is True3,Value if True3) 这里面最少要有两个参数,第一个参数是判断条件,第二个参数是返回值,最多可以判断127个条件,也就是254个参数,和SUM求和的参数极限类似 ...
The reported vulnerabilities can additionally be reported in the Vulnerability Exchange (VEX) format by specifying--vexcommand line option. The generated VEX file can then be used as a--triage-input-fileto support a triage process. If you wish to use PDF support, you will need to install the...
-x 文件存在且可执行 [ -x file ] 例1:判断/etc/passwd是否存在 1. [root@daxia ~]# vim if4.sh2. #!/bin/bash3. if [ -e /etc/passwd ];then4. echo "/etc/passwd存在"5. else6. echo "/etc/passwd不存在"7. fi 例2:备份mysql,手动输入备份的库名,单库备份 ...
Windows NT 4.0: Client computers that are running versions of Windows NT 4.0 that are earlier than Service Pack 3 (SP3) will fail logon authentication and will receive the following error message: The system could not log you on...
Windows NT 4.0: Client computers that are running versions of Windows NT 4.0 that are earlier than Service Pack 3 (SP3) will fail logon authentication and will receive the following error message: The system could not log you on. Make sure your username and your domain are co...