Step by step video, text & image solution for If a = 2i - j + 3k, b = -i + 4j - 2k, c = 5i + j + 7k and xa + yb = c then (x, y) = by Maths experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 12 exams. ...
The given vectors are, F(t)=2ti−5j+t2kG(t)=(1−t)i+1/tk=G(t)=(1−t)i+0j+1/tk We will calculate the cross... Learn more about this topic: Cross Product of Two Vectors | Formula, Equation & Examples from Chapter 2/ Le...
Given the vectors A=6i-2j and B=i+4j, what is the angle between the A and B?Let vectors A= (2,1,-4) B= (-3,0,1) and C=(-1,-1,2) What is the angle ∠AB between Vector A and Vector B?Given vector A = 5i + 6j and another vector B ...
此外,作者采用了miR-21或let-7 miRISC荧光素酶报告基因实验,发现AGO2显著增强了对荧光素酶报告基因活性的抑制作用,TBK1-WT能显著增强这种抑制作用,TBK1-S172A则不能(图1I),并进一步证实这一点,得到了类似的结果,GFP表达水平受到AGO2的抑制,TBK1-WT的作用更为明显,TBK1-S172A的作用则不明显(图1J). 为了研究...
If a = i + j + k, b = 4i + 3j + 4k, c = i + alpha j + beta k are linearly dependent and |c| = sqrt(3) then
Regulation and new intellectual property laws are needed to reduce the cost of gene-editing treatments and fulfil their promise to improve human health.#Regulation and new intellectual property laws are needed to reduce the cost of gene-editing treatments and fulfil their promise to improve human ...
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