For example, "If you're aiming to improve your public speaking skills, joining a debate club or practicing in front of a mirror might be beneficial." Here, the 'if' clause sets a hypothetical scenario that the person can choose to adopt based on their comfort level. If you find that th...
order, advice, suggestion, proposal, demand, request, desire 二:虚拟语气特殊句型: wish 的宾语从句 现在: 过去: 将来: 过去时(were) 过去完成时 would/could/might+V. should I wish I were a bird.(现在) I wish I hadn’t made such a mistake.(过去) ...
高考英语二轮复习虚拟语气In“If”Clause教学课件(共31张PPT)SubjunctiveMood 一、非真实条件句(if等)中的虚拟语气1.时态一致2.混合条件句3.含蓄条件句4.倒装句5.Ifonly感叹二、名词性从句的虚拟语气:宾语从句、主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句三、几种特殊的虚拟语气句式wish、asif/though、wouldrather、It’stime...
1.insist2.order,command3.advise,suggest,propose(advice,suggestion,proposal)4.demand,require,request,desire这些词引导的名词性从句要使用虚拟语气。即从句中的动词使用should+动词原形,Should可省略。虚拟语气2.表示建议、命令、要求的虚拟语气10注意: 如suggest,insist用于其本意“暗示、表明“、”坚持认为“时,宾语...
SubjunctiveMoodinif-clausesif条件从句的虚拟语气语气 语气是动词的一种语法范畴,它表示说话人对某一行为或事情的看法和态度。语气有三种:陈述语气:表示所说的话是事实祈使语气:表示所说的话是请求或者命令虚拟语气:表示说话人的主观愿望、猜想、建议或者与事实不相符的假设HeisateacherOpenthewindow,please虚拟语气虚拟...
if条件从句的虚拟语气资料 SubjunctiveMood inif-clauses if条件从句的虚拟语气 语气 语气是动词的一种语法范畴,它表示说话人对某一行为或事情的看法和态度。语气有三种:•陈述语气:表示所说的话是事实Heisateacher •祈使语气:表示所说的话是请求或者命令Openthewindow,please •虚拟语气:表示说话人的主观...
“subordinate clause-mainclause’’orderis a featureofalargerclassofsentences(perhaps sentences 、vitlladverbialclauses),notjustofconditionals,but a recentstudyofclause orderin adverbial sentences(Ford 1993)doesnotsupportthesuggestion.Fordhasshownthat temporal,conditional,andcausalclauseshaveverydifferent...
eg. My suggestion is that we should go there at once.What do you think of his proposal that we should put on a play at the English evening?2、 It’s necessary/strange/natural/ important/pity/no wonder/impossible + that Clause 从句中的动词要用虚拟, 即(should)+动词原形...
As a significant part of English grammar, subjunctive mood is used to express a wish, suggestion, command, or request and more frequently, to depict counterfactual situations. In English grammar, subjunctive mood has special grammatical constructions,mainly used in if-clauses and other clauses.Howev...
If clause + a general truth If clause to show a dream 5. Multiple Choice 15 mins 1 pt Unless you have allergic to noises, make sure you take time to spot these beloved icons. The pattern is: ... If clause + an imperative If clause + a suggestion If clause + a reminder ...