If clause + an imperative If clause + a suggestion If clause + a reminder If clause + a general truth If clause to show a dream 5. Multiple Choice 15 mins 1 pt Unless you have allergic to noises, make sure you take time to spot these beloved icons. The pattern is: ... ...
Mainclause:presentsimple goontheLondonEye.Thezeroconditionalisusedto:•expressgeneraltruths,scientificandmathematicallaws,technicalprocedures,instructions.Thedaysgetlongerifyoutravelnorth.Ifyoupressthiskey,thedisplaylightsup.•giveadvice.Inthiscase,thepresentformofimperativeormodal(canormay)isusedinthemainclause...
Possible Probable conditions Second Type: Possible Improbable conditions Third Type: Impossible conditions Conditional Types Other Conditional sentences Wish / If only First Type: Possible Probable conditions IF CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE Simple Present Simple Future Imperative Can If you come I will be happy If...
TheSubjunctiveMoodUsedinIf-Clause ---byHongmei 虚拟语气在在条件从句中 叫虚拟条件句)。在条件从句中(叫虚拟条件句。表示与事实相反的条件。分叫虚拟条件句表示与事实相反的条件。三种情况(以为例):三种情况以do为例:表示与事实情况条件从句的谓语形式主句的谓语形式相反表示现在情况过去式(did)过去式(be常用were...
We often use the imperative or the modal verb in the main clause when we give some advice or instructions. 当我们给出建议或指示时,我们经常在主句中使用祈使句或情态动词。 For example: 例如: If I’m late for dinner, they start eating without me. 如果我吃饭迟到了,他们就开始自己吃了。 The ...
•giveadvice.Inthiscase,thepresentformofimperativeormodal(canormay)isusedin themainclause Go/Youcangotobedifyoufeeltired. 人力资源部门需从薪酬的基础、薪酬的设计和薪酬提升三个层面着手来安排薪酬体系,使薪酬体系设计体现公平的原则,从而符合公司发展的整体需要。
If Clauses Quizzes First conditional if, also known astype one conditional, is when the condition to be met is open. The condition statement can be met in present or future time. If the condition is met, then the dependent follows. ...
3.This structure is often used to give instructions, using the imperative祈使 in the main clause. If Bill phones ,tell him to meet me at the cinema. Ask peter if you’re not sure what to do . Type 1 : conditional with if 1.function ...
可用于该结构中的形容词包括 advisable, appropriate,crucial, desirable, essential, fitting, imperative(...