10location / {11if($request_method = OPTIONS){12add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin"*"; 报错原因 第11行:if 和 ( 缺一个空格 ,如果没有空格他把if($request_uri当成一个指令了,没有这个指令 修改:第11行if后加1个空格 10location / {11if($request_method = OPTIONS){12add_header Access-Co...
11 if($request_method = OPTIONS){ 12 add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"; 1. 2. 3. 报错原因 第11行:if 和 ( 缺一个空格 ,如果没有空格他把if($request_uri当成一个指令了,没有这个指令 修改:第11行if后加1个空格 10 location / { 11 if ($request_method = OPTIONS){ 12 add_he...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于if ($request_method = 'OPTIONS') {的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及if ($request_method = 'OPTIONS') {问答内容。更多if ($request_method = 'OPTIONS') {相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人
OPTIONS/corsHTTP/1.1Origin:http://manage.leyou.comAccess-Control-Request-Method:PUTAccess-Control-Request-Headers:X-Custom-HeaderHost:api.leyou.comAccept-Language:en-USConnection:keep-aliveUser-Agent:Mozilla/5.0... 与简单请求相比,除了Origin以外,多了两个头: Access-Control-Request-Method:接下来会用...
<?php include_once('scripts/useful_functions.inc.php'); global $wpdb; if (($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") && $geslachtErr== "" && $voornaamErr== "" && $familienaamErr== "" && $emailErr== "" && $telErr== "" && $afileErr== "") { sendmail($mail); $table = ...
You use this element when you want to provide the parameter values directly in the request rather than link to an existing parameter file. Use either the parametersLink property or the parameters property, but not both. It can be a JObject or a well formed JSON string. Overrides: Deployme...
You use this element when you want to pass the template syntax directly in the request rather than link to an existing template. It can be a JObject or well-formed JSON string. Use either the templateLink property or the template property, but not both. templateLink TemplateLink The ...
Negotiate signing: If the Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) has not been started, the LDAP BIND request is initiated with the LDAP data signing option set in addition to the caller-specified options. If SSL/T...
The host adapter's capability to support auto request sense on check conditions: 0 disables, 1 enables. sector-size The target driver sets this capability to inform the HBA of the granularity, in bytes, of DMA breakup; the HBA's DMA limit structure will be set to reflect this limit (se...
Install a device module. CDIF fork and exec npm to complete this request. So user might need to runnpm loginbefore launching CDIF. POST http://server_host_name:3049/install-module request boy: { (optional) registry: "http://registry.apemesh.com:5984/", ...