大家好!今天给大家分享一些口语Part2的答题小技巧,希望能帮到正在准备IELTS的小伙伴们。这些都是老师课后整理的干货,赶紧收藏起来吧! 做笔记的小窍门 📝 做笔记是个好习惯,但要注意方式方法。比如,在回答“Describe a special holiday you have had.”这个问题时,你可以这样记: 去了哪里(Italy和Switzerland) 怎...
IELTS-雅思-口语-Part2&Part3-本期话题 本期话题一共有如下方式,分为 ★★ 当期话题 ★ 为预测话题。主要的话题包括: People Object Abstract Object Place Event People ★★ Describe a foreigner who can speak Chinese well. Describe a person you know who likes to cook for others. Describe a famous...
IELTS Speaking Part 2共计26条视频,包括:1.2 SOMEONE YOU ADMIRE — IELTS Speaking Part 2 — Teacher answer band 9.0 — IELTS、2.2 A PLACE YOU VISITED — IELTS Speaking Part 2 — Reach band 7.0+ — Cue card、3.2 SPORT — IELTS Cue Card Part 2 — Most comm
So in part 2, the IELTS speaking section, you'll be given a question card, pen, and paper. Once you have the question card, you'll have one minute to take notes and think about how you're going to answer.所以在雅思口语考试的第 2 部分,你会收到一张问题卡,笔和纸。一旦你拿到问题...
ielts-part2 IELTSSpeaking Unit2 •Don’ttranslatemeaning•ordinarymeaninginfinepackage>goodanswerwithoutshapes.•Alwayschangewhatyouwanttosayintowhatyoucansay.MarkingCriteria ••••FluencyandCoherence流利与连贯LexicalResource词汇资源GrammaticalRangeandAccuracy语法范围以及准确度...
又到了换题季了,Derek 老师先给烤鸭们准备了可以直接用的雅思口语part2必考真题,后面再推出9月全预测题,敬请期待。 人物类 1.Describe a singer whose music or songs are your favourite You should say: Who…
2) IELTS Listening test consists of 4 sections, and you will hear the recording only once. No part of the recording will be repeated. Generally, there are 40 questions in the listening module but this number can vary from 38 to 42. ...
一分钟过后,考官会让你开始说。你要讲到1-2分钟。After you finish, the examiner will ask you one or two simple questions about what you said.Let's look at a sample question from part two of the IELTS speaking test which we can use today.讲完后,考官会根据你所讲的内容问你一或两个简单...
2023年5-8月雅思口语Part2题库及答案-地点题:远方 》》雅思口语题库-地点类汇总 题目: Describe a place away from your home that you would like to visit in the future. You should say: where the place is when you would like to go
IELTS PART 2 TOPICS Describe something you do that is good for your health that you would recommend to others. Describe something new you have bought recently but have not used. Describe an artistic person(actor, painter) you know about. Describe a park or a garden you often go to. ...