Move the project to Github and Minor bug fixes Add info to inform users that empty registry keys are being deleted when the script deletes a lot of them Screenshots Credits Dukun Cabul Original researcher of this IDM trial reset and activation logic, made an Autoit tool for thes...
ltj-github / IDM-Activation-Script lukee12zakk / IDM-Activation-Script luoyjchn / IDM-Activation-Script lutong988 / IDM-Activation-Script lxcjy / IDM-Activation-Script LY5216 / IDM-Activation-Script lyjas / IDM-Activation-Script M1ck3Ycn / IDM-Activation-Script M1UniTrust / IDM-... 作者:奇 出处: 版权:本作品采用「本文版权归作者和博客园共有,欢迎转载,但必须给出原文链接,并保留此段声明,否则保留追究法律责任的权利。」许可协议进行许可。 如果文章内容对您有所帮助,欢迎赞赏. 0 0 ...
IDM是一款商业软件,官方可免费下载,30天无限制试用,30天后需要购买序列号。 近期,阿刚看到一个小脚本,可以让IDM一键无限制使用,简单方便。 IDM-Activation-Script激活IDM的脚本 IDM-Activation-Script,它是Github上一款专门用于激活、重置IDM的脚本,脚本安全绿色、简单易用。 主要特点: Powershell、CDM脚本,绿色安全 支...
GitHub项目 蓝奏云 密码:2233 123云盘 IDM官网: 友情提示:如果您喜欢本篇内容,请支持正版,以获取更好的正版服务。
if %_erl%==5 start & start & goto MainMenu if %_erl%==4 start & goto MainMenu if %_erl%==3 goto _reset if %_erl%==2 (set...
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Last Release - v0.8 (10-Aug-2023) GitHub Download / How to use it? First fresh installInternet Download Manager. Make sure previous cracks/patches are removed/uninstalled if there are any. After that follow below steps to activate it. ...
Move the project to Github and Minor bug fixes Add info to inform users that empty registry keys are being deleted when the script deletes a lot of them Screenshots Credits Dukun Cabul Original researcher of this IDM trial reset and activation logic, made an Autoit tool for the...
Move the project to Github and Minor bug fixes Add an info to inform users that empty registry keys are being deleted when script deletes a lot of them Screenshots Credits Dukun Cabul Original researcher of this IDM trial reset and activation logic, made an Autoit tool for thes...