The Philippines' IT-BPO sector has grown steadily since its initial boom at the beginning of the 21st century. Sector revenue reached USD 22 billion in 2015 anddoi:10.2139/ssrn.2880408Nicholas Andrew PriceJamil Paolo S. FranciscoChristopher Ed C. Caboverde...
Being a delivery driver can be lonely. But this driver in the Philippines doesn't feel lonely at all. He has a great partner Kwak Kwak.Kwak Kwak is a pet duck. When the driver is on the road, Kwak Kwak stands on the motorbike. When the driver picks up food, Kwak Kwak quickly stand...
PHILIPPINESSOCIAL responsibilityCONSUMER behaviorGREEN productsENVIRONMENTAL psychologyCONSUMER attitudesDespite the global nature of environmental problems, research on environmental psychology has been mainly based on Western countries, and very limited studies looked into environmental psychological con...