UI 1,456 posts setup WOW UI for 34 charac… ByLexDemonica October 9, 2024 Guild Recruitment US EU - English Speaking EU - Non-English Speaking Oceanic Don't face the Legion alone! 15,208 posts [Draenor][H] <Gordian Knot… BySephyra ...
Icy Veins Elvui Settings By AcidSapphire Hello there, I was looking at some game play from the PTR for 7.3 and i really love the way Elvui was setup. :) My question for you guys is, can i find the setup somewhere or it's not shared ?! Thanks! By the way, this is the ...
Icy Veins Stat Priority其他当前评分: 177.2功能说明 更新日志 历史版本 安装说明 479 39 最后更新:2025-01-04 19:00 插件大小:12.36kb 最新版本号:2025-01-02 插件来源:curseforge 插件作者:KevinFTH 基础指南 怀旧服问题汇总:插件、字体、防暂离等 字体字型修改教程 宏编写指南 插件知识普及&进阶应用 客户端...
顯示每個職業專精的各屬性優先級,部分並有分為團隊地城等。 作 者fyhcslb @ Curse 譯 者BNS (三皈依 - 暗影之月) 修 改 者BNS (三皈依 - 暗影之月) 在角色視窗上方顯示各職業專精的屬性優先級,資料來源為 icy-veins,部分專精有分為團隊或地城,單目標或多目標等... ...
01:12:50 Vengeance, Blood and Guardian - Tank Talks ---{Socials}--- Twitch 📹: / peettko 1 on 1 Coaching (improve as a player): / peettko Twitter 🐤: https://bit.ly/Petkotwitter Join my Discord for updates and my UI / WA! - discord.gg/petko --- #thewarwithin #WoW #Wa...
[*]100级天赋:[wow,spell,231895,cn[征伐]]3.属性选择 当前版本下,你应该这样选择属性:[*]1.急速;[*]2.暴击=全能;[*]3.精通。4.技能循环 在单体输出上,惩戒骑士的循环核心是在[wow,spell,20271,cn[审判]]debuff期间通过[wow,spell,85256,cn[圣殿骑士的裁决]](以及[wow,spell,213757,cn[处决宣判]]...
原文地址Enhancement Shaman DPS Guide (Legion 7.3.5) 个人翻译, 转载需注明英文原文地址 ,为了简化篇幅,省略了部分简介文本和承接文本。正文被省略的部分将会以译注的形式提示,另外有一些个人吐槽和说明 你可以当做没看见~ 7.2版本鸽了真的不是……好吧是因为之前懒癌发作不想弄,所以翻出了未完成的7.2...
原帖地址:Unholy Death Knight DPS Guide (Legion 7.0.3)(From ICY VEINS) 概要欢迎来到我们的魔兽世界军团降临7.0.3版本的 邪恶天赋死亡骑士(以下均用邪DK代替) 的输出指引。在这里,你可以了解到团队战斗中邪DK输出一切细节信息。当然这些内容在普通难度或英雄难度的地下城中也适用。
The XP WeakAura caught the extra amount. This actually isn't that uncommon, however, as players have reported starting off a new expansion with some XP stored up beyond the previous max level, but the regular WoW UI just doesn't show it. What is unclear though, is whether the 3.3% came...
Class guides provided by Icy Veins: Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Druid, Evoker, Hunter, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warrior, Warlock