As the battle chests are no longer a thing, with the base game and all expansions up to Battle for Azeroth now available for the subscription fee only, Blizzard have made a New Player Edition and it has some cool box art! It contains 30 days of subscript
Here is a hilarious video that shows us the differences between raiding in WoW Classic and retail. Source
Here comes the Classic panel recap, as Blizzard detail what was announced. From Hardcore Self Found to the many deatails of Season of Discovery, this summary has it all covered. WoW Classic Panel (Source) During the World of Warcraft Classic Classic: Wha
Introduction: Before I begin I want to clarify that I am an old explorer and curious connoisseur of these players who dedicated their lives for years to a style of play within WoW, known as WoW F2P, I want to clarify the doubt of who this person is and what he came to represent and...
Starter Edition of the game remains capped at Level 20. UPDATE: New players will have to play through BfA content first, so they wont have access to other but zones. Celestalon, who previously worked on the WoW team, confirmed on Twitter that starter acc
Icy Veins provides detailed guides and news for Cataclysm Classic: class guides, dungeon guides, raid guides, and more.
Header image source: SonumSaga. Weve seen some pretty impressive collections of WoW collectors editions in the past, but today we have an even truer fan, as Karlavaegen has gathered up a whole lot of Warcraft-related stuff! From the actual games (with mo
We have another triple entry in the hotfix ledger, as Radiant Echoes gets more improvements in retail, while Season of Discovery and Cata Classic get additional class changes. ... Weekly Awakened Cache Drops Item Level 250 Gear for Some ...
You may have noticed the WoW servers currently not being available in all regions. Blizzard have said theyre working on the issue, but we also got a more in-depth explanation from Tom Ellis, Senior Game Producer for the game. The root of this one is an u