also comprises a handle which is integrated onto the second wall and makes the spooling and re-spooling quicker in combination with the larger arbor as the fishing line spooled on per revolution is more than the fishing line spooled on per revolution by conventional ice fishing tip-up spools.Jo...
An improved and efficient ice-fishing tip-up spool having a generally cylindrical shape comprising an arbor configured within a first side wall and a second side wall, wherein the arbor has a diameter larger than conventional ice fishing tip-up spools. The larger arbor on the improved and effi...
also comprises a handle which is integrated onto the second wall and makes the spooling and re-spooling quicker in combination with the larger arbor as the fishing line spooled on per revolution is more than the fishing line spooled on per revolution by conventional ice fishing tip-up spools.JO...
As stated, panfish are schooled tightly in weed beds and so green weeds and dead brown weeds can be used to catch panfish and sunfish. To catch pike and bass, tip-up spools must be rigged with high-tech braided line.EBSCO_AspOutdoor Life...
As stated, panfish are schooled tightly in weed beds and so green weeds and dead brown weeds can be used to catch panfish and sunfish. To catch pike and bass, tip-up spools must be rigged with high-tech braided line.McNALLY, BOBOutdoor Life...