I doubt that SRI will answer after 10 months, but he should have included the complete error message. As it is, there's little clue as to what's wrong and I think the best guess is that he is using a version before that function was introduced.
this example
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This is due to the modeling technique used in the RF Blockset. When the finite impulse response is truncated to the length specified by the user, the effect of the truncation is similar to windowing with a rectangular window. As with any windowing tech...
m is a dynamic model with one state. So any simulation or prediction calculation requires prescription of initial conditions. When one uses FILTER directly, one is implicitly setting the initial conditions (x0) to zero. Hence with FILTER, the first "error...
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The reason that there are 137 coefficients for the equivalent filter formed from the two multi-rate filters given in the example is that the first stage with 18 coefficients is followed by decimation by 2. Therefore the second filter stage only operates ...
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legend('midragne frequency response','twitter frequency response','Location','southeast')
This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 3 (R14SP3). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds: