简介: 暂无关于葵つかさ(Tsukasa Aoi/30岁)的介绍。 葵つかさ參演作品:
Jon Schoenhorn: She told the police that she had — was chewing gum and she had gotten it on her fingers, and she tried to fling it out the window. It wouldn't come off, so she wiped her hand on the sidewalk. Schoenhorn released excerpts from interrogation videos hoping to prove his...
Steve Jobs Steve Jobs And now the frenzy begins. Running this story in reverse it’s suddenly clear why Apple didn’t introduce the iPhone 5 this week. It would have been lost in the news of Jobs’s death, killing the marketing value he would have loved. I’m sure the phone will ...
If I was reincarnated as a shark I wouldn't want to be a sharpnose.Bull Sharks 027 I got sucked into an argument on scubaboard the other day. Some divers that had recently returned from Playa Del Carmen were talking about how awesome it was being circled by bull sharks. There was no ...