primus/eventemitter3 - EventEmitter3 - Because there's also a number 2. And we're faster. diegoddox/react-redux-toastr - react-redux-toastr is a toastr message implemented with Redux bbc/r-audio - A library of React components for building Web Audio graphs. i18next/i18next-node-fs-back...
We discussed the eertree a lot at that time, but I was not a co-author, and I don't think I have any meaningful contribution to his publications, except for maybe C++ implementation? Hard to remember by now. → Reply stalkkk_19 20 months ago, # | 0 I have 3 question 1 -...
I think we all have people in our lives who we love, but there’s no talking to them. They have their way of seeing things or doing things, and it’s hard to take. And no matter how you try to talk it out, it goes nowhere. It doesn’t get solved, even if they also want th...
there are very large condos going up regularly. Second, we have the wholesale destruction of the area for the new Eglinton LRT line. Before that we had the destruction of the local Yonge and Eglinton center while it was upgraded. Now they plan to tear up the park to make improvements...
When you are older, you may look back on that day and think: that’s the day the world changed, and we didn’t really feel it. (Bottom photo of LA during the fires of January 2025 by Mark Abramson for The New York Times) Comments Off on How will you know it is a day when ...
“‘Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.’ It’s been 45 years since John Lennon sang that line, yet it’s an idea that continues to speak to an uncomfortable truth. While we all like to think we have some measure of control over how our lives will un...
Particularly in a time of crisis, as we are in now, isolation kills. We need each other. I will find ways to connect. I will remind myself that it is good for me to go to dinner with friends instead of “writing two more pages” on some random project. I will use social media ...
Steve Jobs Steve Jobs And now the frenzy begins. Running this story in reverse it’s suddenly clear why Apple didn’t introduce the iPhone 5 this week. It would have been lost in the news of Jobs’s death, killing the marketing value he would have loved. I’m sure the phone will ...
Just like movies and print, it was able to achieve numbers that no TV show can achieve now in the era of the Internet and streaming. We didn’t know that then: it was simply one of the best shows of its time and we all naturally watched it. (It’s funny to think of how back ...
The big two-oh! Sure, you had somegrowing pains at first.And then there was the whole period when you andyour users felt snobbish about their gmail accounts and looked down on people with yahoo accounts.But that’s all water under the bridge. We’re all old now. ...