We discussed the eertree a lot at that time, but I was not a co-author, and I don't think I have any meaningful contribution to his publications, except for maybe C++ implementation? Hard to remember by now. → Reply stalkkk_19 20 months ago, # | 0 I have 3 question 1 -...
there are very large condos going up regularly. Second, we have the wholesale destruction of the area for the new Eglinton LRT line. Before that we had the destruction of the local Yonge and Eglinton center while it was upgraded. Now they plan to tear up the park to make improvements...
is named for Queen Anne (of Denmark), consort of King James I (and the ‘great’ in Great Queen Street, we imagine, refers to the size of the thoroughfare and not the ‘greatness’ of the Queen).
When you are older, you may look back on that day and think: that’s the day the world changed, and we didn’t really feel it. (Bottom photo of LA during the fires of January 2025 by Mark Abramson for The New York Times) Comments Off on How will you know it is a day when ...
WiiJonathan Holmes,Destructoid8.5/10"My two big problems with the "game" come from what it comes packed with, and what it can pack. As with D.I.Y. on the DS, D.I.Y. Showcase comes with some built-in microgames. There are 72 in all, and as with D.I.Y. DS, they're not al...
In that post, I talked about how sometimes we all try to do too much, and how I had way too many things going on, especially with all the travel I was doing at the time. I’m tired… I listed some things to think about, but point #4 was especially telling, though most people ...