She sprang to her feet with an incoherent cry which made the hum of voices in the next room cease suddenly.Swift as a panther, Rhett was beside her, his heavy hand across her mouth, his arm tight about her waist.She struggled against him madly, trying to bite his hand, to kick his ...
Ⅲ.句子翻译。1.我眺望峡谷的另一边,它大约有15英里远,或许更远。I looked across to the other side of the canyon. It
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all the better all the girls are swo all the gory and sad all the land from the all the love we make all the men of thy co all the nights all the notes all the people rose a all the presidentmen all the ritual all the things you ne all the way forward all the way with lbj...
WhenyouthinkoftheArctic,youimaginean icylandofpurewhitesnow.Othersimagineitasthe lastreallycleanplaceleftonEarth.Wehavepolluted thedeepestoceanswithplastictrash, 1 GermanscientistshaverecentlyfoundmicroplasticsinArcticsnow. 2 Sadly,thescientists found1,800piecesof microplasticperliterof snow. Howisplasticpollutio...
We lived on a street with very little traffic, so it was safe for us to ride across the street. We would start with our bikes facing the opposite direction and race down the street. It was great fun. One day I jumped on my bike and went to the movies. But when I walked out of...
Ki-Tek, Ki-Woo, and Ki-Jung sneaking out of the house and walking down the empty road. Rain pours as they make their way down the winding road. 100 EXT. STREET - NIGHT 100 Ki-Tek and the kids trudge silently through the rain. They’re walking on the side of a gloomy four-lan...
2023年新高考I卷完形填空(真题透析+变式训练) 第一部分 命题分析+秒选技能 第二部分 真题评析(真题呈现+全解全析+阅读高频词+长难句回顾) 第三部分 真题变式练 命题分析 完形填空选材特点:完形填空的体裁主要以记叙文为主,主题语境包括人与自我、人与社会及人与自然,选材都是积极向上、充满正能量的文章,在思想...
1.Deepak cast an apologetic look at Anjali, lowered his head and stuttered, “ I …I’m terribly sorry. I was mean and jealous. But you are really a tabla star.” 2.Deepak gathered up/ summoned up his courage an...
As a result, I left the meet empty-handed.As a result, we just assumed it was bad luck. I, for one, felt terrible for letting the team down, but what was done was done, and we had no choice but to accept it. Any...