1. 在动词like、love、hate、enjoy后,可以接动名词(verb+ing),其作用相当于名词。 2. 例如:I like playing basketball. 3. I don't like swimming. 4. She loves going to the beach. 5. He hates doing yoga. 6. They enjoy playing soccer. 7. I like watching tennis. 8. Can you repeat that?
"I like" 后面接动词时,通常要用动词的-ing形式,也就是动名词。 这句话用英语表达是:"When 'I like' is followed by a verb, the verb is usually in its -ing form, which is also known as the gerund." 这里的知识点是,“like”作为动词,表示“喜欢”做某事时,后面常常接动名词作宾语。例如,“...
In this case, "living" is the gerund form of the verb "live." 1. 句子结构分析: 原句“I like (live) in a city.”中,“I” 是主语,“like” 是谓语动词。 2. like 用法分析: 动词 “like” 后面可以接动名词(verb-ing)作宾语,表示“喜欢做某事”。 3. 动词形式变化: 因此,需要将括号中...
本内容主要帮助学习口语的朋友们学习基础的口语句型,实用句子,学来就可以实用。同时,也能够帮助想要提高语音语调的同学,把音发准,把语调用的更加准确,而不是生硬的中式英语的发音调子。 打卡学习通过微信小程序进行,需要先关注微信公众号:小打卡,然后进入小打卡的圈子搜索页面,输入:英语基础口语句型模仿训练营,即可找到...
I(主语) Like (谓语)learning English (动宾短语ing形式,作宾语) 不清楚就多给你一些例句吧. 这就是你需要的了 主谓结构,I study. 主谓宾:I like banana. 主系表:I am a student. 主谓双宾:I give a pencil to him. 主谓符合宾语:I make him happy. 1. 主语+谓语(不及物动词) [S + V...
022. I feel like + (verb-ing) Here you are expressing to someone something you would enjoy doing. Here are some examples: "I feel like going for a bike ride." "I feel like going to the beach." "I feel like having a snack." ...
我想吃点点心。 "I feel like talking." 我想要聊天。 "I feel like dancing." 我想要跳舞。 "I feel like having friends over to my house." 我想要有朋友来我家。 "I feel like watching TV." 我想要看电视。 By adding 'don't' or 'do not' you can change what you are saying to express...
、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.I like to go to the movies in the afternoon in the beautiful ___ (lea
❷like\谓语动词丨限定动词词组 ❸eating noodles\宾语丨-ing分词分句 宾语丨-ing分词分句:▌eating\...
1请问这里(形容人)为什么用verb+ing的形式呢?1.He's one of the most(boring)people I've ever met.He never stops talking and he never says anything(interesting).2.Tom is very good at telling funny stories.He can be very(amusing)3.Liz is very(interesting)person.She knows a lot,she's tr...