ALSO, don't use cpu_time as it gathers the sum of thread times for the process, which with threads running in background to do the IO might give too much time. I use a wall-clock instead like this contained procedure mytime() : program foo use ISO_FORTRAN_ENV implicit none integer,...
Heartbreaking: Injured Palestinian Boy Tells His Father Not To Be Scared & Stay Strong! 68,051 Oct 13, 2023 Horrible: Woman Doesn't Want To Be A Mother To Her Three Kids Anymore Because Her New Boyfriend Doesn't Want Kids! 411,674 ...
Al Gorefiend Titan Join Date Feb 2012 Location USA Posts 13,039 Originally Posted by Relapses When they're the reason this community is a complete and total fucking joke, yeah. It's pretty annoying. I get labeled a "white knight" because I don't play along with the...
Robert Dyk, please don't forget the US also gives billions to Egypt as part of the package. If the U.N. is to become a credible, strong and respected organization then its decisions must be adhered to. And, this is so - - ahem - - Canadian! Not that I disagree, mind you, howe...
there was a psychiatrist who was very funny, even when he didn't mean to be. i miss the laughs. and there was a guy who would intentionally disagree with everything i posted. i don't miss that, even though he was right more often than not. i'd rather wallow in my ignorance. ther...
Steve Jobs Steve Jobs And now the frenzy begins. Running this story in reverse it’s suddenly clear why Apple didn’t introduce the iPhone 5 this week. It would have been lost in the news of Jobs’s death, killing the marketing value he would have loved. I’m sure the phone will ...
This is basic Arabic. No conjecture from my part. The conjecture comes from those who try to bring theories left and right to interpret the Noble Verse. You don't have to do this if you just let it speak for itself. The Noble Verse is only speaking about Jesus (Isa), peace be upon...
A grammar teacher mentioned to me something about the nominative case being used after the verb “to be” and not the usual objective case (”me”) that I thought it should be. He said the verb “to be” was an exception, but I can’t find anywhere that this is written down as suc...
《I Don't Have To Try》是加拿大女歌手艾薇儿·拉维尼(Avril Lavigne)第三张专辑《The Best Damn Thing》里的一首歌。 基本信息 中文名 不必尝试 外文名 I Don't Have To Try 歌曲时长 3:17 歌曲语言 英语 所属专辑 《The Best Damn Thing》 ...