I want to give it to her I’m going to buy it tomorrow I can’t eat the apple I have eaten the apple Is the apple red? The apples are red Please give me an apple. Eat the apple! よろしくお願いします☺️ eripon_singa74 ...
1. I am not sure if I can say the same about her speaking skill, 1.彼女のスピーキング力と同じくらい話せるかどうか分からないなぁ。 2. BUT her grammar skills have improved astonishingly over the past 4 weeks. 2、でも、彼女の文法力は4週間で驚くほど上がった
I want to give it to her I’m going to buy it tomorrow I can’t eat the apple I have eaten the apple Is the apple red? The apples are red Please give me an apple. Eat the apple! よろしくお願いします☺️ eripon_singa74 ...
1. I am not sure if I can say the same about her speaking skill, 1.彼女のスピーキング力と同じくらい話せるかどうか分からないなぁ。 2. BUT her grammar skills have improved astonishingly over the past 4 weeks. 2、でも、彼女の文法力は4週間で驚くほど上がった
"I can't wait to catch up with her." ↑ 日本語訳をお願いしますI’m very excited to see and talk to her again 的定义
If you don't like repeating "目標", rephrase it as "一番大切です” ”一番重要です”. 4 昨日私の友達は両親から車をもらったと、威張っていた。 (Yesterday my friend said that she received a car from her parents, so that's why she was bragging) ...