Many adolescents reported feeling a sense of discomfort at the idea of discussing SRH with family, expressing: “I wouldn’t know where to start” (Female, 19), “It is just not in me yet” (Male, 16), and “I just feel nervous” (Male, 18). In explaining why he had not spoken ...
I find myself in places and I don't even know how I got there. 385 00:26:16,809 --> 00:26:19,577 This person on this tape, 386 00:26:21,581 --> 00:26:22,913 I don't know who that is. 387 00:26:26,819 --> 00:26:28,752 It's like I'm ...
Divorced? My parents are getting divorced? But they always got along so well. When I looked at my mom anxiously, the first thing I saw were tears rolling down her cheeks, and falling to the floor. Were they really getting divorced? Was my dad really not going to live with us anymore?
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"Again, I'm not asking for a parade. I'm not asking for a pardon. I'm not asking for a pass. What I'm asking for is a fair trial. And this is the bottom line that any American should require. We don't want people thrown in prison without the jury being able to decide that...
I became an adult when I learned to set a budget and live within it. Thank God my parents taught me that credit card debt was every bit as embarrassing and morally questionable as, oh I don’t know, getting an STD– Today I’m proud to say I’ve never had the clap and I’ve ne...
I wrote The Harry Potter Bible Study to train Christians to approach all forms of media in this distinctly Christian manner. My question for those who are against participating in Harry Potter is “If a Christian rejects the lies and connects the truth to God through Christ, why can’t they...
God help me.<BR><BR>With all due respect, I really don't think getting your own 900 number would be a good idea. The majority of people who called would just leave profane, insulting messages, and the other 2% who were friendly would be mad that they had to pay ...
we went out with swollen eyes to get some food. I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I don't know if what I needed was to talk to my mom, or just to share this with someone, or to cry my eyes out, but I was feeling much better. For the first time in mon...