"That's a day I can never forget. That day's my epiphany, so to speak," Lee said. "I couldn't move. I felt my virginity was taken by this man." "I didn't get it, I was just in awe," he said...
“真的会谢”这个网络用语现在多用于形容一些令人尴尬的事情、让你感觉到很无语的事或者是很郁闷的事情,可以根据不同的语境来理解。其他网络用语 1、我看不懂,但我大受震撼( I didn't get it , I was just in awe)背景:这句话出自李安在《打扰伯格曼》中,描述自己第一次观看《处女泉》时...
看不懂却大受震撼 I did not get it,I was just in awe. 李沧东的电影没看过,但是一直想看燃烧来着,好像是拿来与「寄生虫」对比的。1.前几天想看百想艺术大赏是否有「那年我们」的获奖情况,所以微博上搜了一下,结果看到了刘亚仁全钟瑞为颁奖嘉宾,被说成顶峰相见。2.最近由于「我的解放日志」的孙锡久,还...
i didn't get it , i was just in awe.🤭🤭🤭 年底是真的多瓜。一个女同事有男朋友,但另一个男同事经常约她吃饭,认识聊上天的时候就说请吃饭,什么99的全家桶立马点上什么的。傻子都看得出图谋不轨,还说什么单纯...
firstsummer 23-04-20 00:44 发布于 四川 来自 iPhone I didn’t get it. I was just in awe. û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... Ü 简介: 👁 更多a 微博...
k at this. I'm in awe (because all I did was to help her realize th wasn't alone. I didn't ask her to tell her because her story is my story.( )9. What was Shelley like when the w first saw her? A. Cold. B. Lazy. C. Noisy. D. Slow.( )10. In order to get ...
【先练基础】一单句语法填空(1)I felt a sort of awe(敬畏) at the possibilities thatexisted (exist) in his world.(2)The bridge is the oldest in existence(exist) but it'sstill strong enough for big trucks to move on it.(3)The parking place for bikes is an exiting (exist)problem in ...
It was summer, but the tops of the mountains were covered in snow, indicating it was cold at higher altitudes. 4.语言特色鉴赏 Find an example of descriptive language inthe passage and explain how it helps the reader visualize the scene. 答案: For example, "We drove through vast green field...
On the first day of school,I stared in awe at the huge buildings.This high school was definitely bigger than the one I had previously attended. This was my second year of high school,but my first year of school in St.Louis.I had decided the night before that I wou...