what's wrong with this one?=IF(BE1="Jan-Sep 100% Total",SUMIF(G1:AP1,"100% Budget",20:20),IF(BE1="Jan-Sep 130% Total",SUMIF(G1:AP1,"130% Budget",20:20),SUMIF(G1:AP1,"160% Budget",20:20)))When I changed it into this.,it works perfectly=IF(BE1="Jan-Sep 100% ...
In this formula there is no else part entered in case that the condition H2=I2 is false. Therefore the formula returns false if you enter "-" for january and "ok" for february as shown in attached file. =IF(AND(H2=I2,J2=K2,L2=M2,N2=O2,P2=Q2,R2=S2),"Int...
Dear Ms-Excel team,Fist of all I want to say thank MS who created wonderful app (Ms-Excel).However, I believe there are some error in Exponential...
These can be in a product, shipper, or country combination that often has these elements, or exceptionally "clean" chromatograms for products that usually exhibit pr 为报告以反常或意想不到的结果或数据这样作为表明微生物或消极秽或分解结果的没有增长报告。 这些可以在经常有这些元素的产品、托运人或者...
So you can see that one meets all kinds of people on a U.S. college or university campus. Now that you have some general idea of differences in the student population, I’d like to talk a few minutes about what I think an average student is and then discuss with you what a typical...
I think that's one of the apealing things about it .you can excel in it if you put you mind to it there're not a thousand people out there crowing you or doing what you're doing ." he adds,"there is no right ,there is no wrong.there are no rules.you can do what you want...
If you can’t say what you need to say in 3 chords and with shitty distorted singing, maybe you need to sit back and reconsider the whole rock music thing, eh? I mean, you can gussie it all up with harmony and some tricky chord substitutions, but a rose is a rose is a rose—...
Matlab: Reading in data from an excel spreadsheet as a single integer 2 Answers How to repeat the data ,and to sum up all and display it in the output? 0 Answers I am receiving error for the following code , but I can't understand where a...
Open new email and type in own email/name If auto-complete populates, click on x to remove auto-complete Provided by Rick E P from http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/exchange/en-US/8914010d-1de2-4088-96d5-1d03936c80e6/reply-all-replys-to-self Max Meng TechNet Community S...
You can download for free the Font Awesome all icons list on their website, or use their CDN for your HTML5 icons list for web development. However, if you want to use Font Awesome for Word or for your Excel presentations, you should download the Font Awesome package that matches your ...