My youngest has some degree of sen too but she seems to keep a lot to herself which is so sad 😪 sometimes school is nice for her so she can have some normality with her friends, they are in the same school but don't have much contact during school hours! OP posts: See next See...
"I just had to decide work can't be my priority, I need to get back to doing just the basics and start recovering again." Belfon also has OCD, so on first hearing about COVID-19, she was concerned it would trigger her health and contamination anxiety. She thinks it is ...
“I literally cry and wipe my own tears, pick my own self back up, and keep going.” “I learned a long time ago the wisest thing I can do is be on my own side.”– Maya Angelou “People talk about me behind my back and I just sit here like “Damn. I got myself a fan cl...
into safekeeping—for some, this can mean physical buildings or a residence, but for diasporas, the duality of present-home and an emotional “other home” presents both a material and metaphoric dialectic tension. R.18 noted, “I mean, I don’t really know where home is anymore?
t had a letter yet and they said “we can’t book yours until you get your letter”. And it just makes you feel… sometimes it’s such an effort. I feel as though you have to pick your fights, but I do feel very strongly about that because if I get the flu, we won’t ...
get a bright future. At home, I often help mymother in housework. I want to be more independent so that I can take good careof myself. I don t want my parents worry too much about me. Besides, I likereading now. I realize books can be my friend, too. It is really interesting....
well, I understand the hate. Some people really can't stand seeing the same person everywhere. But it's not like I can't stand the hate too lol cat pic →Reply re_titled 20 months ago,#^| 0 yooo thanks for the cat pic →Reply ...