look beautiful. I love you." "I'll be working late tonight. Order pizza if you like. I love you." Countless notes and messages like these. She was working a lot, and I knew that it was her way of dealing with the pain of the divorce. What was my way of dealing with the pain...
My birthday is about the celebration of my life. It shows my story till now. “…You’re growing into a beautiful mature lady, Mer. We are proud of you. Love, Mom and Dad.” Said the card this time. And I realized I’m just 16. I’ve still got to learn alot, get more ...
试题分析:句意:——你能载我去火车站吗?我要迟到了。——我走最近的路线。你会及时赶上火车的。A将;B 能够;C可以;D需要。根据语境可知此处表示说话人做出的承诺,shall用于二、三人称时,可以表示警告、命令、许诺、威胁,答案选A。
You look beautiful. I love you." "I'll be working late tonight. Order pizza if you like. I love you." Countless notes and messages like these. She was working a lot, and I knew that it was her way of dealing with the pain of the divorce. What was my way of dealing with the ...