The children at the hospital are very brave. They are facing a lot of difficulties, but they always have a smile on their faces. Working with them has made me realize how lucky I am. It has also made me more thankful for the things I have. I have learned a lot from this volunteerin...
There always seems to be something (or someone) better out there. … Cooking dinner while I read my 456-page novel uninterrupted. Planning a special outing even though we had snapped at each other a mere five mi...
试题分析:句意:——你能载我去火车站吗?我要迟到了。——我走最近的路线。你会及时赶上火车的。A将;B 能够;C可以;D需要。根据语境可知此处表示说话人做出的承诺,shall用于二、三人称时,可以表示警告、命令、许诺、威胁,答案选A。
I'll Always Remember You 所属专辑 《Hannah Montana Forever》 音乐风格 流行 歌曲语言 英语 电视剧 《Hannah Montana 》 歌词 Hannah Montana - I'll Always Remember You Ialways knew this day would come 我一直深知这一天终将到来 从饭安望色婷别事表We'd be standing one by one 我们一起手拉手肩并...