by ensuring that complementing training for teachersisavailable"before ", progressively implement small class teaching" and substitute with "and, through a 'by district and by grade' mode of transition"; to delete "in" after "progressively implement small class teaching" and substitute with ", star...
In this context,theMeetingnoted the importance of Eritrea requesting only the period of time necessary to assess relevant facts and develop a meaningfulforward lookingplanbased on these facts. 在这方面,会议指出厄立特里亚 仅请求获得必要的时间以评估相关事实并以...
The second carpenter said, "This judgment is unfair. We should ask a cat which mouse looks the most realistic. Cats can recognize mice much better than humans, after all." The king thought this was a good idea. He ordered his ministers to catch several cats and bring them to judge (评...
The Directorsareof the opinionthat, after taking into account the cash flows used in the operating activities, the existing banking facilities available and the estimated net proceeds from the Open Offer, the Group has sufficient working capital for its present requirements[...] ...