《Lucky》,让幸福以最简单的方式,提供随身携带的服务;心灵投手James Morrison和Jason Mraz,用彼此不同的声线,编织出《Details In The Fabric》的纹理分明;《The Dynamo Of Volition》一边在舌尖按下快转键,Jason一边大玩特玩他刚刚发现、叫做Acid Jazz的新玩具;带着简单的吉他声,一同来到夕阳满溢的时间回廊里,逆...
However on a lighter note, the education we get in Northern Ireland is fantastic and I feel very lucky to be in the position I am in. Most of the time, life carries on as usual, every so often there a bomb-scares but thankfully this is becoming the exception, rather than the norm....