"Stayed here for the Sibelius festival, which seems to be one of the very few reasons for visiting this unprepossessing town. It's basically a rather nasty 70s box with very little to recommend it - the kind of..." Hotelli Valo
「有用就点在看」 RECOMMEND 相关链接 Hello! “洛阳卫健委” 长按扫码关注我们 喜欢我,转发,点赞,在看,安排一下? 素材来源官方媒体/网络
Can you recommend(推荐) an interesting one? -- 2 -- I like story and travel books. -- Have you read “The Red and Black”? -- Oh, yes I have. I want a book by Mark Twain. -- 3 -- “The Adventure of Tom Sawyer”. -- All right. I’ll get it for you. -- 4 ...
77. Doctors strongly recommend that fathers, ___their babies, birth, (present) 医生们强烈建议,婴儿出生时,父亲应该到场。 78. His answer was so confused that hardly ___ of it at all. (sense) 他的答案很不清楚,我根本弄不懂。 79. Since my childhood 1 have found that nothing is___ than...
Will the man recommend some places for Tom? A. Yes, he will because he is Tom's friend. B. Yes, he will because he is a guide. C. No, he will not because he is a tourist as well. D. No, he will not because he is a new-comer. 查看完整题目与答案 在票务相...
但是,与幽门螺杆菌携带者共餐并不意味着一定会被感染,“主要跟个人的免疫力有关,临床上遇到过一家几口都感染幽门螺杆菌的,也有夫妻共同生活几十年,一人被感染而另一人无恙的”。 “如果担心这方面,可做个碳13或碳14吹气实验,只需要一二十分钟就出结果,...