Panic attacks, inability to concentrate, and memory problems may also occur. Psychosis and paranoia, common during thyroid storm, are rare with milder hyperthyroidism. Many persons will experience complete remission of symptoms 1 to 2 months after a euthyroid state is obtained, with a marked ...
Nervousness/anxiety/panic attacks Palpitations or increased heart rate Insomnia Irregular or light periods Puffy or protruding eyes Weight loss Hair loss Diarrhea Infertility Tremor Goiter Depression Natural Treatment for Hyperthyroid While severe hyperthyroidism is well controlled by conventional medicine, many...
It’s really been insomnia, anxiety, panic attacks, new onset extreme symptom versions of that. The #1 adult I see is moms in my practice. As they come in, I ask them how they’re doing. Of course, I care about how the moms are doing because they are people I care about, but ...
I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism at age 24. I suffered an overwhelming year of anxiety/panic attacks, heart palpitations, fatigue and the list goes on and on. I was misdiagnosed by two family doctors. No surprise!The first doctor couldn’t believe how someone my age could have this many...