The problem is, he won’t accept this. If I’m friendly on the phone, he takes that as read that I am still interested. If I’m more assertive I am accused of being cold. I’m going back to the UK for a month later this week, and will be staying in the family home. We are...
One of the signs of a disrespectful husband is that he will continuously compare you with others. It does not matter whether the woman he is comparing you with is his mother orex-girlfriend; when you are in a relationship, you should respect each other for who you are and accept each o...
When my dad stumbled into a tiny Nazarene church 64 years ago and subsequently met Jesus, he was a high school dropout, auto-working, alcoholic and with three kids and a wife who wanted a divorce. How would the world be different had my dad not met Jesus? Where do I begin? My parent...